Saturday, 5 January 2008

Strap It Off With Strapless Slippers

Yep, you read it right, strapless slippers. Well the first time I heard about them, I thought it was just ridiculous! And I still keep my opinion until now. But for fashion’s sake, let’s try to keep our love on Havaianas flipflops aside and take a look at this latest fashion footwear trend. – Strapless slippers.

I actually saw it first on TV worn by television host, Boy Abunda. In fairness, it looked pretty okay on him; although I don’t know if I would want getting myself one. But as a friend just told me, these sticky slippers are perfect for fashionistas who want to stand out and make a statement (some statement that is). And since it has no straps, they’re super comfortable plus you get to explore your creativity thinking what to do with those exposed feet (think of hena perhaps). Oh the possibility is endless…

So, are you ready to take on the spotlight? If so, you can contact for your orders.


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