Saturday, 19 September 2009

Fashion Re-View’s fashion lexicon

Celebrity fashion is such one world of slangs and connotations. Here in Fashion Re-View, celebrity fashion-related terms are always evolving. So for you not to get ‘lost in translation’ here are terms and phrases you’d often stumble upon here.

Ready? Here we go:

*celebrity (n) – Hollywood personalities who are often – if not always – the subject of this blog.

*look (n) – composed of the star’s hairdo, make-up, clothes, shoes, and accessories used in a particular event.

*well (adv) – an introductory word to signal that the writer has no other way to start a sentence.

*I so love… (int) – an expression expressing utter approval for a look which the writer finds hard to describe.

*what was she thinking?! – expression indicating literal question of the stars’ thoughts wearing a dress that’s utterly hideous but the writer could not find the perfect adjective to describe it.

*OMG! – acronym for Oh My God! May signal extreme favor or extreme disgust.

*it would’ve been – opening phrase indicating suggestion to make a look better.

*Goodness! (int) – expression to go with disgust and disbelief. Often goes with “what was she thinking?!”.

These are just some of the words and phrases often used here in Fashion RE-View. I hope this becomes useful in your day-to-day (which I really hope happens) visit in this blog. If you know of other words or phrases you think would be useful here, please feel free to drop me a message or comment.

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