Friday, 10 August 2007

Vest for the Reinvention

It’s actually been quite awhile since I posted my last “fashion re-view.” Well I actually made some “recollection” kind-of-thing and poop! I realize I need to do some reinvention in this blog.

So from the usual fashion guide and advice, Fashion Re-View takes on a higher level of fashion coverage. From now on, this will be your resource for the latest in fashion world! From the hottest trends in clothes, to accessories, shoes, and everything that is fashion.

What’s in store for today’s post? Well here’s a wool vest featured in August 2007 in

For $98 the vest is perfect for casual party or just the usual “hanging-around” activity.

I think one special feature of the vest is that it gives the person that [will] don[s] it a smart and classy look. It’s perfect for the “conservative” and those trying to be one. :)

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